Saturday, April 18, 2009

Diabolik's TNA Catch-Up T-Minus 17:20

Still catching up.....March 12, 2009

Sting gets to pick someone and Angle gets to pick someone and they course there will be chaos....whatever....

Why is there a Survivor winner on TNA....they tried that on fucking WWE....

Don West started out not at the announce table and now he has joined it....still as a heel....

Gee...we go from The Beautiful People to My Pi Sexy?? I don't even care how to spell it....Holler...

Now I can get behind doing these montages of wrestlers during the show....but why aren't they showcasing the guy who just wrestled at the end of the next segment....

I love fast forward....since I watched episode after episode so I don't really need to watch the recaps.....

Cornette goading Booker into a match with Styles was well written...

Angle with a if you don't understand English don't come to the country....

The fact that Tenay and West keep referencing the fact that Tenay thinks people should take it to the ring and leave it in the ring makes me think that they are going to be fighting....

A talking Abyss is pretty fun to deal with....I wonder why they always gave him a handler....

Mick Foley at the announcers table because Don West walked out

I literally laughed out loud when ODB mounted JB.....

Somehow I sincerely doubt that Foley would get laid out by a steel pipe if the man can fall off a table through a damn table....but that's the game they want to play...

You know Booker talking normal still doesn't make him any easier to understand.....

I've decided that I am going to get TNA Mobile now that it is free and once I am caught up.....

Once again....they are showing us the LAX montage video after they have finished wrestling and a whole other segment has finished.....

heh...."Rocco" from MEM security is recruited by Angle for this pick your avatar match because Angle can't get anyone else to represent him.....I could totally replace Rocco....I weight the same as him and I am bigger...

I have to get behind the fact that if Sting wins he is going to be taking over the MEM and not leaving the would make a better swerve....Sting could have sent "the hit" to take out Mick to make it look like it was Kurt....

Hmmm....Double J as the Guest Ref and Foley as Enforcer.....interesting.....I think that is where Sting is going to swerve and tell everyone that Jeff and Mick are working for him.....

Next up...Destination X.....13 hours left.....

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