While procrastinating from doing some homework I wanted to get some TNA out of my way since I haven't watched any in a few days. Or 1 day. I'm not sure I remember.
So Bound For Glory opens with a cool Old Chicago styled ganster motif where they talk about the main event matches. Then they have the X-Division Steel Asylum Match where Black Machismo wins.
We then see Mick Foley roll up to Jim Cornette's office and he leaves Mick in charge of the office and tells him to make himself at home. (Do I smell a Commissioner Foley story line brewing?) and then The Beautiful People come in ranting about Blue M&M's. Blah Blah Blah and then we get the match between The Beautiful People and Rhaka Khan, ODB and Rhino. Rhino gores Kip for the win.
X-Division Title match between Sheik Bashir and Consequences Creed. Bashir wins by holding the ropes. Pretty good match over all. I'm glad Bashir (formerly Daivari in WWE) got to showcase himself a little more. Consequences is definitely X-Division Title material.
Then Kong comes into Cornette's office with Saeed (who I think is a different person under the veil because she sounds different) bitching about Kong not being responsible for what she does. You know that almost could be threatening if it didn't happen in every match. Foley says he was left in charge......interesting way to put it.....
Knockout Title match between Kong, Taylor Wilde and Roxie results in no hardcore tactics and Taylor pinning Roxie. WHY WERE THEY TOUTING THE HARDCORE STYLE OF ROXIE IF THERE WAS NO FUCKING HARDCORE?!?!?!? Hardcore wrestlers don't normally thrive in regular wrestling matches because they are used to the weapons (at least Kay Fabe).
Cut to Cornette's office with AJ Styles spewing about Mick being there....3D comes in calling Styles a mark...Why are there porcelain masks on the wall of the office? 3D mouths off...whatever....Mick is going to be the Sock of the walk and leaves to prep to be the enforcer in the Angle vs Jarrett match....How much prep do you need?
Monster's Ball Tag Team Title match with Matt Morgan and Abyss vs LAX vs Team 3D vs Beer Money Inc with Steve Mongo McMichaels. Ok, I now I ranted about why he was being the ref, but I just realized he was a Chicago Bear and won the Superbowl with them. Ok. At least it makes more sense to me. Stupid pandering to the locals....I love James Storm coming down with a Beer Helmet with 2 bottles of beer in it....I loughed out loud at the Don West line of :Oh, the cheese grater right to the nuts!"....Wow Mongo super slow counts against Beer Money....This match should be an elimination match....I love elimination matches....it evens the playing fields....Ok...turns out the Mongo slow counts everyone....3D brought lighter fluid!!!!Abyss goes through a flaming table and catches fire for a few second....When Tenay doesn't know the name of a move he says that someone was powered down....odd coming from the professor where I learned most of the wrestling terms from listening to him commentate...I want a flaming tack table....but I don't get it. Hernandez takes a 3D Through a tacked up table and then James Storm steals the pin....Beer Money Inc retains the belts.
Something to note...we have had title matches and none of them changed hands....starting to feel like a WWE styled lineup....Just saying...If Joe loses the belt I will have to call Shenanigans on TNA for copying WWEs retardedness...
The next match is Booker T vs AJ Styles vs Christian Cage for absolutely nothing. Booker wins with a delayed Axe Kick off the top rope....West is talking about timing..but the timing was really off because Christian had to stand in position for way too long...
Next match is Angle vs Jarrett with Mick Foley as guest enforcer. I'm sorry to say that the match played out exactly like I thought it would. Ref bump, one of them tries to use a weapon (Kurt), Foley gets involved and an altercation ensues. Other person wins (Jarrett). Jarrett looked rusty, but he also wasn't as rusty as he could have been. At least they called it a Mandible Claw instead of Mr. Socko (probably because Mr. Socko is the WWE's intellectual property).
Last match is the World Heavyweight Title Match with Samoa Joe vs Sting. Why would Sting call this his biggest match of his career? Sting vs Flair? Maybe because the WCW Title is dead and desecrated by the WWE? Sting apparently won the title at the last 2 Bound for Glory events....that is interesting trivia....What the Fuck was that!?!?!? Joe lays Sting on the stairs and goes to the top and dropkicks him from from what I can count about 15 stairs up. He runs and falls that far, falling on concrete steps and also crotching himself on the railing....full force balls smashing against the railing.....but that was fucking cool....Sting does the Muscle Buster n Jo (kind of) and Joe jumps right up....Joe hits Sting with the Scorpion Death Drop and Sting jumps right up....Nash comes down to ringside...Sting tries to take his back and Nash takes it away....and Nash hits Joe with the bat....Scorpion Death Drop....Sting wins the title.....
And then a promo for Turning Point...with Mick Foley in the promo (wwho it was established only had a Bound For Glory contract) talking about the respect lines.....
Ok...first my reactions of the show....overall I'd give it a 6.5. I am disappointed at the ending only because it seems exactly like what WWE would do and I have always looked at TNA as the anti-WWE and for a while they were doing things specifically because it was so very not WWE programming....Having all of the belts stay except one, having the friend of the Champ come down and betray the Champ....I thought the wrestling was good and entertaining. The Jarrett-Angle match was well thought out and came off great, the Steel Asylum match was pretty good, the Monsters Ball match was entertaining (fiery tables!)....it's just the ending that I saw coming when every other belt stayed on the champions that makes me give it a low rating...
What did Colin do Today/
14 years ago
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