I just watched the last 2 episodes of The Shield.......wow. If anyone isn't familiar with the show or hasn't watched it in a few seasons, go get the seasons on DVD and watch it. i loved the irony in how the show ended compared to how it started. It was almost uncomfortable to watch the last 3 minutes.
I woke up today, made it down to the store and checked the TV listings from last night so that I would know what I could expect on my DVR when I get home today, and what do I find? New episodes of Nip/Tuck started last night. And new episodes of Damages start tonight. Along with a bunch of shows kicking back off after the break.
Surprise things for Diabolik....I like the show Worst Week. It is a little over the top, but if anyone has just had their life spiral out of control in one day, that is this show.
And I really enjoy The Mentalist. I don't know why, something about the main character makes me smirk, and the fact that the overarching goal of the show has only been focused on in one episode and mentioned in 2 others makes me want to see what happens. Not like with CSI when the miniature killer struck 5 times in 3 episodes or whatever. This one is far more subtle.
That's all I have right now. Now I get to inventory a store full of miniatures.